Unicom—September 2024
Hover Mode Cooling Having long been a lean of peak (LOP) exhaust gas temperature (EGT) advocate (25 years), I think some further explanation to Andrew Strauss and some of your other readers about that form...
Silly Season Is Upon Us
It’s been a minute or two, but one of the show planes at EAA’s AirVenture fly-in one year was an immaculate Fairchild radial-engine single. I was admiring it one day and read the description,...
Oil Cooler Failures
The following is derived from maintenance facility submissions to the FAA’s Service Difficulty Reports database.
Cap Backwards
The problem with two or more pilots doing the preflight is that one of them always thinks something is the other’s responsibility.
NTSB Accident Reports
A monthly summary of recently published NTSB preliminary accident reports involving general aviation and air carrier aircraft.
Breaking Up Isn’t Hard To Do
Don’t depend on datalinked Nexrad imagery alone to fly through thunderstorm activity. Instead, stay visual.
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Runway incursions happen even at smaller airports. Losing situational awareness to distractions is a typical reason.