Someone To Watch Over Me

‘Poor pilot’s IFR’ can come in very handy in busy airspace. Ask for it before you think you’ll need it, and listen up.

I Thought Of It Later

Formation flying is not something you want to do on a whim. Doing it properly requires planning and proper procedures.

Seat Of The Pants?

I couldn’t agree more with Jim Wolper in his excellent November 2024 article, “Using The Rudder,” that without some kind of yaw indicator, we can’t trust the seat of our pants. I take that literally. As...

Tell Us Again, Granddaddy

It won’t be long before grandkids will be hopping into our laps, begging us to tell them again about how we used to fly piston-powered airplanes by hand.

Back In The Saddle Again

After a hiatus from the left seat, how can you get back into your groove? Flying something that’s not typical for you might help. 

How I Learned To Love Supplemental Oxygen

Hypoxia can be a threat even at so-called non-oxygen altitudes. Mitigations include diligent preflights and monitoring.

CRM And Single Pilots

Cockpit resource management isn’t limited to crews. Planning and situational awareness are key for single pilots.